The PR, Logistics and Event Coordination Involved In a Presidential Visit
Presented by PRSA Capital Region
Join us for lunch and a behind-the-scenes look at what happens when you learn you’ll be hosting the President, his entourage and the national press corps…and handling all the event logistics. (And on top of all that, your brother-in-law would like you to get him a front row seat)
Chris Horne
Communications and Public Affairs Manager
GE Energy
Dr. Andrew J. Matonak
Hudson Valley Community College
Beau Duffy
Communications Director
Office of Congressman Paul Tonko
Tom Nardacci
Gramercy Communications
Registration, Lunch and Networking: Noon to 12:30
Program/Discussion: 12:30 to 1:30
Registration Fee (includes lunch)
Members and Students: $15
Non-Members (always welcome!): $25